Yamaha S-YXG50 Portable VSTi v1.0.0 (a software MIDI synth)

A software MIDI synthesizer for Windows, which functions as a VSTi plugin. Supports both the Yamaha XG and the Roland GS extensions, which is a unique feature of the S-YXG50. The VSTi was a part of the Yamaha SOL2 package. Yamaha discontinued support of this software synthesizer in 2003. As it is abandonware now, a portable version of the VSTi was created (installation and registry keys are not required). It uses embedded (into DLL resources) official 4MB wavetable files, which is the best version of wavetable files for the S-YXG50.

Download: yamaha_syxg50_vsti.7z (3.0MB). Project page →

History of the Yamaha's software MIDI synths

Yamaha S-YXG50 was released in 1997. First versions were shipped with the simplified 2MB version of the wavetable, and the full 4MB version was published only in 2001. It seems that the cause of this is low amount of RAM in the computers of 90s. Both versions of the wavetable files were created in 1996 (4MB in February, simplified 2MB in July). Possibly, the full 4MB version is a dump of the WAVE ROM of the Yamaha MU80 / MU50 / QS300 / DB50XG / DB60XG / SW60XG / MU10, because the Yamaha S-YXG50 soft synthesizer is very similar to this series of hardware of 1994-1996.

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Need For Speed III Modern Patch v1.4.0 and v1.5.0

  • No more non-rotating wheels in the rear view mirror and in the split screen mode (when Car Detail is High).
  • Rear View Mirror can display better 3D model, clouds, lightnings, and light from the headlights of cars and from the flashers of cops. “Rear View Mirror” detail setting was added. Better proportions of the objects in the rear view mirror.
  • An ability to enable or disable the fog effect directly from the graphics settings menu.
  • No more "Render_GetTm() raM out of raN" error for high poly cars. Corresponding buffer is 10 times larger now.
  • The View Angle setting allows to enable wider view angle, which is useful for the widescreen resolutions. New set of options: Narrow, Normal (former Wide), Wide.
  • 10 times faster gameplay loading on modern systems. To skip loading animation just press any key.
  • An ability to use port 9803 for the network games. It solves the problem when you can't start a network game because port 1030 often is used by system services.
  • Built-in screenshoter. Just press Print Screen key, and a screenshot will be saved into the screenshots subdirectory in the JPG/PNG/BMP format.
  • Improved keyboard support in the menu. Now it is much more consistent. You can also use the Tab and Shift+Tab to switch between elements.
  • Consistent sounds in the menu. Volume of all menu sounds will be same. Also you can set Menu Sounds Volume separately from the volume of the ingame special effects.
  • About 100 small changes in the v1.4.0 and v1.5.0. See the readme file for more details.

Download: nfs3_modern_patch.7z (1.5MB). Project page →

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Welcome to the English version of my blog! I had seen that some users were using Google Translate to read the Russian version of my blog. I hope that my English is a little bit better than automatic translation. I'm not going to translate all my old posts, so some of my projects are available only on the Russian version of these pages. But I plan to publish here the most useful projects.